Trade Companies

Trading companies are divided into two according to their characteristics.
1. Capital Companies:
As required by law, capital companies, joint stock, limited and capital
It is a limited partnership company divided into shares.
Shareholders of capital companies can be natural and legal persons. The liability of the partners is limited only by the capital they have committed to put in the company.
The partners are not responsible for the commercial debts of the company.
2nd Party Companies:
These are the types of companies that have legal personality and have unlimited responsibilities of the partners. Partnerships established by a certain number of people as a requirement of a common economic interest or interests and whose responsibilities are personal are called private companies. The number of partners is generally small and the transfer of the partnership is very difficult.

In individual companies, partnership shares cannot be sold or transferred to others without the approval of all partners. The liability of a partner leaving the company to third parties due to company relations continues for a while. The partners are real persons and are liable (with all their assets) against company debts. Private companies are divided into two according to the TCC. Unlimited company and Commandite company.
ARTICLE 124 – (1) Trade companies; It consists of unlimited, limited partnership, joint stock, limited and cooperative companies.
(2) In this Law, the collective and the limited company are individuals; A joint stock company, limited liability company and a limited partnership divided into shares are deemed a capital company.

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