There are 2 million per company in Turkey about 2.2 million artisans and craftsmen work. More than 80% of the companies are established as limited liability companies. Company Establishments are regulated in the Turkish Commercial Code. Company choices should be made according to the needs of the investor, the work to be done and the tax advantages. Legal definitions of trading companies:
T.T.K ARTICLE 124 – (1) Trade companies; It consists of unlimited, limited partnership, joint stock, limited and cooperative companies. (2) In this Law, the collective and the limited company are individuals; anonymous, limited and
The limited partnership whose capital is divided into shares is considered a capital company. T.T.K ARTICLE 329 – (1) A joint stock company is a company whose capital is defined and divided into shares, and which is liable for its debts only with its assets. (2) Shareholders only with the capital shares they have committed and to the company
responsible against. ARTICLE 573 – (1) A limited liability company is established by one or more real or legal persons under a trade name; basic capital is definite and this capital is
It consists of the sum of its shares. (2) The partners are not liable for the debts of the company, only the basis they have committed
They are obliged to pay their capital shares and to fulfill their additional payment and ancillary performance obligations stipulated in the articles of association. (3) A limited liability company can be established for any economic purpose and subject that is not prohibited by law. ARTICLE 211–
Collective company is a company established between real persons in order to operate a commercial enterprise under a trade name, and none of its partners’ liability is limited to the creditors of the company. ARTICLE 304 – (1) Established to operate a commercial enterprise under a trade name, the liability of one or more of the partners towards the creditors of the company is not limited and the responsibility of other partners or partners is a certain capital
The limited company is a limited partnership. (2) Commitment to partners with no limited liability, limited liability
those who are called commanditer. (3) Active partners must be real persons. Legal entities can only be permanent partners.
Article 1 –
Established by real and legal persons with variable partnership and variable capital in order to provide and protect certain economic interests of its partners, especially their profession or livelihoods, through mutual assistance, solidarity and bail, with their labor and monetary contributions.
partnerships are called cooperatives. Establishment, registration, management and liquidation of commercial companies must be done in accordance with the current legal legislation. Apart from the basic legislation, secondary legislation should also be followed. In the Turkish Commercial Code, the regulations regarding only joint stock companies, starting from the 329th article and the 573th article.
continues until. It will be beneficial for investors to get expert help in legal, technical and tax terms.